Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


感谢神!11月26日到29 日的“仁者无敌”4天3夜的中学生营会大功告成,参与的营员们都很落力参与此次的营会,成功晋级成为“仁者无敌”!勇往直前,面对每一个挑战!


在这4天3 夜的营会里头,营员们学习如何与人相处,彼此包容、忍耐、关心和一起奋斗。分享交流的时间,看见他们眼眶打转的泪,是他们成长的一个标记。未来的以后,将会看见这班的青少年更懂事,为此而振奋!





Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Emo Love Poems

Emo Love Poems

Emo Love Poems

Emo Love Poems

Love is a Universal emotion, the goal we all seek, the prize that can make our lives complete and whole. Love is both timeless and, in too many instances, transient. These poems are about those times.

We all believe, if only because we must, that love can be found. Some of us - maybe most of us - have discovered it can also be lost.

Please curse and swear at me
So i can hear your voice

Please call me names
so i know I’m not nameless

Please make me cry
so i know you still care

Please hate me
so i know I’m not invisible

Please cut me
so i wont feel numb

Please let me die
so i know i was alive

You rawred at me
I look at you
you climb in bed
I held your hand
you smile at me
I kiss your hand
You fall asleep
the night has peaked
dare we speak?

Glance around
Don't make a sound
Laugh away
these crazy days
please don't frown
I don't want you down
Hold you tight
when your full of fright
never out of sight
you're my light

In the spring picnic for two
Watching the sky so blue
clouds pass bye
let us never die

See you walking
laughing and talking
didn't think it real
life can make things a wonderful meal
sometimes things seem so wrong
but that doesn't last long
just give me a hug
ill give your hand a tug
its cute when you pout
you put a plane in my coat
Made my day
please don't go away

Ill always be here
just take a peer
here in my hood
feeling pretty good
when your feeling dim
just find me
i hope i can make you grin

Girl meets boy.

Girl falls in love.

Boy falls in love with girls best friend.

Friend goes out with boy.

Girl is left only with thoughts.

Friend breaks up with boy.

Girl asks boy out.

Boy says yes.

Girl Boy and Friend are happy.

Boy gets in trouble with dad.

Boy breaks up with girl.

Girl is left again only with thoughts.

Two weeks pass.

Friend and boy go out again.

Girl ends life.

Lilly Mandrell

Let’s run away,

With our hands clasped tight.

Well never look back,

Only see what’s to come.

We can sit beneath the stars,

And under the glow we’ll lock lips,

With our arms around each other.

Let’s fall in love,

Only because we can.

We’ll lie on the ground

And look in each others eyes,

And at the same time say…

“I love you”.

We can fall asleep with our bodies close

When we wake up, realize that,

We didn’t even move an inch.


Let’s run away.

Honey I’m sorry

I promise that a second chance can make a difference

Maybe all the difference.

Slit my wrist,
Cut my throat,
Without your kiss,
I shall choke.

Cut my hair,
Kill my veins,
Please don't stare,
I can't take the pain,

Bite my nails,
Peel my skin,
I'm sick of males,
They always win.

Stop my breathing,
Stab my heart,
Sorry boy,
I must depart.

With the blade,
I commit this deed,
My mind is made,
Since your my need.

I'm sick of crying,
I'm love sick,
So I'm dying,
You stupid prick.

Blood stains,
There all your fault,
You know this,
So don't sulk.

My heart is broken,
From love to you,
So my veins open,
Cause you don't love me to.

I say my prayers,
And your name,
I look and stare,
And think this is insane,

But deep goes the blade,
And my heart stops,
The decision i made,
Is about you alot.!!

Mr R@ym0Nd

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Is it just me, or are emo boys really hot at the moment? That combination of funky clothes, super stylish hair and 'I don't give a damn' attitude is so cool, and I never knew how good a little kohl could look on a guy - intense! Also I love that whole aloof yet vulnerable attitude as well that is so attractive, and those boys are smart too and not just interested in the latest lads mag, you can actually have a meaningful conversation with them!

So how do you spot an emo boy then? Well firstly it's all about the hair. It should be straight, choppy, glossy and textured, with a long floppy fringe to frame the face. Black is the base colour for all emo styles, but most people get inventive with highlights/lowlights and big chunks of colour in anything from electric blue, neon pink, white blond to scarlet red. Most emo boys are really in to spikes as well, so hairstyles will be textured, combing smart razor sharp layers with spikes and sweeping fringes. Emo hair is always well styled and in tiptop condition, and scruffy, badly dyed hair in garish colours is more punk than emo. Secondly emo boys love their clothes and this can range from serious emo music lovers who wear band t-shirts, tight dark jeans and classic emo black hoodies, to seriously glam emo boys who love to dress up in sharp shirts and ties, normally in contrasting colours like black and red, and also lots of accessories including belts, studs and bangles. Emo boys are not shy of using a little make up too, and a smudge of kohl round big dark eyes is incredible sexy, and dark nail polish really suits those boys with strong, elegant hands. It can be tempting to go over the top with make up though, and too much eyeliner is straying into Goth territory and is a bit more scary than sexy!

If you fancy an emo boy, its best not to rush straight up to him and ask him out, instead subtly find out what he is interested in from friends, and look for clues such as band names on his bag or t-shirt. Once you know a bit about him you can start up a meaningful conversation, emo boys are often pretty thoughtful and deep, and don't tend to want to talk about inconsequential things like what was on TV last night and general gossip. It is especially important do to some research if you are not emo yourself, and making sure you are up on the scene will mean you have something intelligent to bring to the conversation. Also try not to babble on as he will likely find this a bit shallow and irritating. Keep it cool and friendly to start with and don't pressure him by following him around and staring at him all the time. A few flirty smiles when you happen to see him and a quick hello can be much more effective then running up to him everywhere he goes, as it will keep a little mystery and make you interesting rather than annoying. It doesn't hurt for you to go to a few gigs you think he might also attend, as this will show him you have things in common and will give you a chance to get to know each other in a neutral setting, but don't stalk him around everywhere he goes as this will totally freak him out!

Most importantly try and be yourself. Whether you are emo or not, pretending to be interested in something is impossible to keep up for any length of time, and can make you look really fake and shallow. It is ok to learn more about what the boy you like is into, and you may find you like some aspects too, but keep things real and don't be afraid to disagree sometimes, as this can make for some really stimulating conversations, and emo's love to debate on all things especially music and identity.

emo hair
rAwR asked:

i rrrrrrealy want hair extensions but everywhere i go they are alllllllllllllllllot of money and if i go to sallys you have to have a license where can i get them?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The heavens INDEED declare the Glory of God! Psalm 19:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made. John 1:1-3

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

God demonstrated His love by sending His promised Son, the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ, and allowing Him to be crucified. God paid for our sins Himself. The Lord is good, just and merciful beyond our understanding.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life". John 3:16

Seek God now. Humbly ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Jesus Christ paid the full price for sin on a Roman cross almost 2000 years ago. Seek His free gift of forgiveness and unending love.

Jesus Christ said: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7,8

To learn the true story of Jesus Christ click here - The Story of

Reject Jesus Christ and pay for your sin yourself, forever alone, forever without God...

"The great day of the Lord is near. It is near and coming quickly. Listen! The cry on that day will be bitter...I will bring distress on the people and they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like filth. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the Lord's wrath. In the fire of His jealousy the whole world will be consumed, for He will make a sudden end of all who live on the earth...Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, you who do what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the Lord's anger." Zephaniah 1:14-18 2:3

Most think heaven awaits them. The One who rose from the grave after 3 days said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6 God the Son came as a sinless man. Philipians 2:5-8 He gave up His human life to save ours. He said that His death was the only acceptable payment for sin. He is our ONLY way to God. He died to give our spirit eternal life. Without Him, we are spiritually dead. Ephesians 2:1-2

He declared: "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:3 Are you truly "born again"? John 3:3 Does the Spirit of Christ now dwell within you? John 14:20 & Romans 8:9 Have you been adopted into God's family forever through faith in our Redeemer and Lord, Jesus Christ? Galatians 4:5 It is critical you make certain! Earnestly ask God to change your hard heart.

God can be found through His true and complete Word, the Bible. Seek Him now, before it is too late. Seek Him through His Word to you, the Bible.

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Flood, Evolution, 'Millions of Years', Abortion & more.

BIBLE TOOLS: Best Bible search sites: Olive Tree , Blue Letter Bible & Bible Gateway
(Explore these fantastic sites to enhance your knowledge of His Word. Equip yourself daily! Eph. 6)

For Jews, and all those awaiting 'Messiah' (the Savior):

HaMashiach Jeshua (Jesus the Messiah) wept Luke 19:37-44 over Jerusalem. His chosen people will soon 'look upon Him who they pierced'. Zechariah 12:10 He will come as King Psalm 2 and redeem this evil world where sin abounds. Look upon your Redeemer Job 19:23-26, our Suffering Servant Isaiah 53:10-12. Just as the bronze snake in the desert portrayed Numbers 21:7-9, He hung on a pole, taking the punishment we deserve for our sin upon Himself as Isaiah foretold Isaiah 53:5. Look in faith to the Angel of the Lord and LIVE! - L'chayim!


Wealthy psychopaths have brought us to the brink of World Government.
Their new 'world currency' is close and their evil world religion is taking shape.
Sinful men and fallen angels are celebrating their perceived victory of their 'New World Order'.

Jesus Christ predicted all this. He sees the end in advance. He gave us a warning against worshiping the soon to be revealed world government leader and accepting the 'mark' which will allow one to spend new, digital 'money'. Rev. 13 - 14

Many saints around the globe are rejecting tempoary comfort offered by evil authorities requiring them to deny their faith in the one true God, Jesus Christ, and His Word directly to us, the Bible. Continue to stand firm. If you love God you can find comfort in His Word Mat. 4:4 and the hope within us whom He has chosen. Rom. 12:12

The example of liberty and the goodness of the United States is largely overshadowed by the evil its shadow government has spread at home and around the world. It is the Babylon of today, marked for destruction as described in the Bible Rev. 18. Prepare as you are able. Know that all of mankind's time here is short. Eternity awaits. Let us humbly seek God, do good and expose evil. Eph. 5:11


Don't believe in a false god. Don't believe that there is NO god. Reject the degrading 'theory of evolution' ($250,000 prize if anyone can prove it). 'Wet dirt' NEVER turned into a flamingo by accident! It is a cruel, God rejecting, easily disproved lie. God designed you. Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins. He rose from the grave and now lives forever. Seek His forgiveness. Seek eternal life. Humbly seek Him through His Word, the Bible.

God has delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. Colossians 1:13-17

Many children of God will worship and reign with Jesus Christ in Heaven and on His new new earth for all eternity. Will you be there?

If your answer is "No" or "I don't know" and you have read this entire page, my friend, God is knocking. Give it up. Let go. He'll catch you. Seek Him for real, not through some false TV preacher begging for money. Seek Him through His Word, the Bible. Listen to His Word RIGHT HERE. Talk to Him. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins; then serve Him with your life.


Talk about our Lord. Tell others about this site: When His Gospel is preached in "all the world" He will come. Almost 2000 years ago your Lord told a gathering: "This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14 This is a very exciting time for the Body of Christ.

Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, is worthy to receive glory and honor, for He created all things, and by His will they are sustained. John 1

All will be held to account. Every knee will bow Isaiah 45:22-24 . His Word stands forever!